Welcome to Charlieonline ScrappingBook

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog.

Here you will find all my freebies: tutorials, scrapping elements or kits, and everything turns around PaintShopPro and Photoshop.
All my old works was done in Paint Shop Pro, so you had to have the program to open them, but now I am adding to my usual PSP scraps format the PS files, because recenty I began studying PhotoShop. Besides I thought to add also the Png file so my works can be used to most programs. If you have problems with a link, Please leave a message in the ChatBox and I will fix it. I would love to see what you make with my kits, that would be awesome! Thank You! Don't forget to leave a little love if you download, and Please Read My TOU's before you download any of my Presets, Scraps or use Tutorials. Thank You! Enjoy! Big hugs!

No al Nucleare - No alle Scorie Nucleari


Saturday, September 4, 2010

LearningPhotoshop - Intermediate

Hello all. I've just finished my Intermediate Lessons for Photoshop by Learning Photoshop Group.
If you are interessed, Join the Group.....HERE

Go.....HERE to see all my results


Anonymous said...

Ciao Ketty! Ho visto il risultato del tuo lavoro! Congratulazioni anche da parte mia!Pero' secondo me tu eri gia' brava di tuo,ogni aggiunta è un optional ;)!Bacioni e buon fine settimana!

Krilù said...

Buongiorno Ketty! Ti lascio qui un messaggio che nulla a a che vedere con l'argomento del post:


charlieonline said...

che carine che siete. grazie ragazze.
Mar ma Photoshop lo sto appena imparando, ci sto studiando forte gia da 2 mesi o poco piu, forse 3, e sto imparando un sacco di cose interessanti. comunque grazie lo stesso
Carla, grazie per i tuoi auguri rinnovati anche qui
un abbraccio affettuoso e tanti bax a tutte e 2


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